Today's JoT is inspired by the Courage Campaign to repeal Proposition 8, the California ballot proposition that has restricted the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman, and eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry. Although we don't live in California, we believe that any couple should have the right to marry, and that legislation treating one group of people differently from everyone else is unfair and wrong. We want to add our voice of support for our friends, fans, and collegues in the USA in their fight to get this repealed. (We'd also like to invite other artists and cartoonists to "out" their characters and join this fight for equal rights.)
The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture. We like to feature the people and events that are making tech news. We tend to focus on Apple news and events because they often affect the industry in general, and because we are longtime Mac users here at GeekCulture Headquarters. We create The Joy of Tech using Apple computers, mostly on our PowerBooks, running Mac OS X Tiger. We use software from Apple, Adobe, Macromedia, BBedit, and others, including Microsoft (yep, we do use Microsoft Office for Mac on occasion). Nitrozac uses a Wacom tablet to do her illustrations. |
The Joy of Tech
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