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August 20, 2007

WeightLoss Shows

I'm kinda into watching weightloss shows. I don't know why, maybe it's fun to watch people worse off than me and getting yelled at, and then losing weight and looking better!
Here's a list of my faves;
Celebrity Fit Club; Watching it right now. Seems interesting.
You are What you Eat; I love this show, but I haven't seem to be able to get in on my channels lately.
X-Weighted; They don't seem to have a website, but, it's a good show. Inspiring.
The Last 10 pounds Boot Camp; also a lack of a website, but the show is good, very good advice.
Turn Back Your Body Clock; This show is great, it takes a scientific view of losing weight and getting rid of bad habits. They focus on quitting drinking and smoking too. It's quite fascinating.Also on our forums we have lots of weightloss threads going on, check 'em out, put in your 2 bits. fs's Recipes: Low fat/salt, vegetarian, and vegan, Business Attire's exercise plans, Stereo's I just took another step... BooBooKitty's Hypertension, and just for SuperFans, Nitrozac's Weightloss is hard work. Enjoy!

Posted by Nitrozac at August 20, 2007 04:28 AM