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The JoyPoll was...
What would you think would be the most shocking scene in Windows 911?
  • The re-creation of Gates licensing DOS to IBM.
  • Gates declaring his War on Bugs.
  • The interviews of people who have loved ones running Windows.
  • The seven long minutes of Gates rocking back in forth in his chair after being told of the DOJ anti-trust lawsuit.
  • When the movie silently projects the Blue Screen of Death, relying on the audience's screams to convey the horror of the event.
  • Steve Jobs and Bill Gates mud wrestling, in a winner-take-all death match.

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Snaggy shares the Gender Genie , ... snupy finds Firefox, ... homerstash wonders about wol and is freezing , ... GMx tells you how to Get A Free Cisco Certification Manual , ... and sadly reports Say It Ain't so Scotty!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: Snaggy is happy to say Spiderman! You've been Nitrozac'd!

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