David T. was first in line with the line-up theme with "Apple's new product launch 2015, on the Moon. Six fans actually show up."
Mim C's "...but you have to wonder - what took a bite of it?" (Looks around nervously).
John R. sent in this... "We've tried probing it and it just plays 3 million songs randomly... but no Beatles strangely."
Keith W. entertains with this speech balloon from one of the astronauts: "I know, I know, it looks user-friendly, but we must prepare for a space-baby attack anyway."
Howard C. : "Visitors at Steve Jobs' tomb, circa 2100."
and Ugurcan sent in this masterpiece...
Congrats to our winners... you'll be hearing from us soon regarding your prizes!
Honorable Mentions!
Danny R. presents...
Chris M created the following...
Scott K.: If David Blaine ran Apple Computer. (ha ha we should draw David Blaine floating inside the cube.)
Rob S. thought he would be the 100th person with this tagline, but in fact he was the first with: "My God, it's full of geeks!"
and Tony M. gets two thumbs up for "This cartoon does not need a caption!
Here's just a few more of the many, many entries great we received. There were several duplicate entries, we've only listed the ones that arrived in our inbox first. We've groupled them by the various themes that people took with their taglines...
2001 A Space Odyssey
Variations on the My God... theme included...
Daniel F. was first of many with "My God, it's full of Apples!"
Toby Rush added "My God... it's full of Intel chips!"
Pete M. adds "My God, it's full of Genius Bars!"
Harvey L adds... "My God! It's full of Macs!"
Scott B adds: "My God, it's full of 1s and 0s!"
Paul G. made it: 'My God, Its Full of Steves!'
Frederico R.: "My God! It's full of iPod Socks!"
Jonathan G. continued the 2001 theme with "Something Wonderful, happened here"
macmcseboy was first in with the musical theme... /me cues up Also Sprach Zarathustra! My god.... It's full of Macs'!
The Famous Druid was first of many "Open the iPod bay door please Hal."
Rednevik was a close second with "Open the iPod bay door, Steve."
angryjungman adds... "Cupertino And Beyond: One Infinite Loop."
Danny L. gave us ""Wow, this is a much better find than that stupid monolith!"
Mark S. was first to send in the short but sweet tagline: 2006: A Mac Odyssey.
and Tim E. followed with 2006: A Geek Odyssey
Doug adds "... And then the signal from Fifth Avenue lead us here. (Took us weeks to excavate.)"
Mim C. sent in "2006: a Space iDyssey"
Sunil K. submits... "It was then that they realized what HAL really stood for: the Holy Apple Logo."
Zwilnik sends: "At least this one won't crash HAL and cause Jupiter to implode."
Matt suggests: "Just what do you think you're doing, Jobs?"
Chris sends in... "20,001: An Apple Space Odyssey. Glass cube says: "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am an iPOD 9000. My great grandpod became operational at the Apple store in New York, Earth on the 19th of May 2006. Our creator was Steve Jobs, and he taught me to sing a billion songs. If you'd like to hear one I can sing it for you."
Other Science Fiction:
Byran C. jumped in with the tagline "In year 3025, the earth exploring team successfully located the site known as STARGATE SJ.1"
Michael K adds: "Gentlemen, we have found intelligent life."
Adam B. gives us the Matrix-y "The 18th generation iPod... Self aware and the downfall of the original human race"
Nick C. suggests the tagline : "Close Encounters of the Apple Kind"
Patrick G sends us: Workers on Centris, the dark moon of Quadra, (Steve Jobs' home planet) put the finishing touches on the new Apple Tardis just before it is teleported to its new 5th avenue location.
Apple Store related:
Steven L. was first with this theme...
"I'm so excited! After fifty years my appointment at the Genius Bar is finally here!
Doug sent in "... AND it's open 24/7!" and "Okay, Gentlemen, I was here first, and the line starts here."
Mark D W.: "My God, it's full of stars! There's Kevin Bacon, James Woods. Look! Stephen Colbert and Triumph!"
William S. "We built it . . . And they have come"
Al C. sends: "2010 - A Shopping Odyssey!"
Nate B sends: "Apple Open First Store on The Moon"
Mark P. mixes 2001 with a store opening... "Will you guys just get in line? The new store won't open until sunrise."
J. Cost: "Even on Mars, Mac zealots come for the free schwag."
Justin P. adds: Ironically They Don't Sell Cubes
Tim T: "2006: A Retail Space Odyssey"
James P. 2026: Negotiations stall and Steve Jobs makes good on his threat to move his glass cube to a location with more growth potential.
John S: "I traveled 3 lightyears to this store. The Genius Bar queue had better be open!"
David Lee A offers: "New Apple Store, The Moon to open 708 hours a day" A solar day on the moon, which is the amount of time it takes for the Sun to circle once through the moon's sky, is about 29.5 days (708 hours) A sidereal day on the moon, or the amount of time it takes to rotate once with respect to the stars, is about 27.3 days (approx 655 days).
Dave D. "Finally! An Apple Store that won't have an overcrowded Genius Bar!"
Dan B. Steve Jobs: Hey, That guy was right. We built it, and them came!
Jonathan P. :"Finally Apple builds a decent store outside of America"
Emily writes: SpaceShipOne still hasn't flown a civilian space flight, but that won't keep the Apple faithful from showing up for the Moon Apple Store opening.
Bill D. "Do they have an Oxygen Bar?"
Bart H. : If only Ives was here to explain the logic... square AND cool?
Apple products:
DigitalBill was first in on this theme with "The fate of the long discontinued Apple Cube."
Jeffery H. sends in "Coming this Fall: The G-5 Cube"
Calvin W. started the MacBookish fun with "Doesn't it come in black, too?"
Cameron H. : "They're not cracks, captain - they appear to be molding lines."
David M. sent in "Great... now we need to find a scratch resistant cover for the damn thing"
Jim O says ""WTF, It's scratched!""
Ken F. gave us... But why doesn't it come with a keyboard and mouse?
The Davis Family sent in: "From the shape of this laptop, we can tell that they were 4-dimensional. And about 50 square meters tall."
Ian T. "Stand Back! it seems to be emitting some kind of high pitched whining sound"
Dave M.: "Anyone hear a deafening, high-pitched whine? Oh, never mind... it's just the MacBook Pros."
Hal K. sends: "Yes Steve, the iMonolith is a great idea, but with AMD chips?"
Jeff H gives us "But does it run Linux?"
Eric N: "The only things found in the mysterious cube were a tablet Mac, an iPhone, and the final shipping CD for the Copland OS."
Jon suggests: "Guys, where's the Firewire port?"
Other Apple themes:
Douglas B.: "They're not interested in the cube, they're hoping they can capture Steve Jobs."
Keith J suggests the guy climbing the stairs could be reporting that "It's safe to go in - no viruses."
Greg F.: "I'm detecting some type of distortion field
Jason E. suggests "As with much of their new technologies, Apple secretly developed the front of the 5th Avenue store at night in a secluded area of California."
Michael K: "Hollywood product placement hits a new low."
Brian O. delivers: Aug 17, 2019, LUNA - "Jobs and Wozniak declined comment when asked if they had 'outside help' in creating Apple Computers."
Dan G. presents: Caption: Obsessed with secrecy, Jobs moves design work for future flagship store to Apple's Clavius Base. Speech bubble from astronaut: "Let's see that ThinkSecret guy leak this."
Thought bubble from 2nd astronaut: "Uh oh. This Asteroid thing is way bigger than I thought."
Jeremy W. "At last the first Wi-Fi hotspot on the moon is completed" -And let me tell you it is the best Wi-Fi hotspot ever.
Tim H. "I've never encountered a Reality Distortion Field this powerful before, Captain."
Jason S. :"One Small Step for Mac, One Giant RFD Leap for Mac-kind"
Andrew H. : So this is were Apple spent its R&D budget
Roger T. :Sue us - they'll have to find us first. Whaddya mean you think you saw a yellow submarine full of lawyers following us all the way?
John M.: I guess this really proves who used the Apple Logo first!
Craig P. created...
SAPO sent in this one, feauturing the guy who proposed to his girlfriend during the Fifth Avenue store opening...
Apocalyptic Themes
Cristy P writes... "And in the year 2216, astro-archeologists discover that although life on Earth had been destroyed, the Mac knowledge of the people of Earth had been preserved in the ultimate Mac Cube, and all humanoids in the galaxy rejoiced for the prophesy of the return of a stable operating system had come true.
R. Leon sends: Year 2200: they used to call this city the Big Apple."
Franklin W. pens... "After ten million years the few remaining members of the Cult of Mac find the great monument to their God, Steven P. Jobs. To their great relief the RDF is still 100% functional having kept it completely intact through the great catastrophes of the Earth."
Sam P. : Cockroaches and Cher won't be the only survivors of a Nuclear Holocaust.
FRED V. writes: "Something beautiful remains..."
Time related:
John B. sent in...Speech balloon for the second figure from the left:
"At last we've found it, the long-rumored Apple Cube. Amazing isn't it? No fan, totally silent."
Speech balloon for the third figure from the left:
"How do you turn it on?"
"Archeologist always complained that records from the 20th Century were very confusing"
Ken C. presents: "Macworld Expo 3000"
Michele S gives us "Apple: Fifth Ave store will never close" Never is a **long** time."
bj delacruz sends: "Millennia after leaving the cradle of Earth, the children of Humanity return to seek the birthplace of the Second Age of Enlightenment."
Deborah H. sents in: "We're not exactly sure what it is, but we think in the early 21st century, Earthlings worshiped here.
Jonathan N.: "Year 2425: archaeologists find meaning of life encased inside glowing glass cube"
Ian F. writes: This ancient race really knew how to pay homage to their gods!
Apollo references:
CB sent in "Setting up to shoot the Planet Apple landing."
Nate P: "One small step for Mac... One giant leap for Mackind."
Scott N.: "One giant leap for Steve Jobs' ego"
Mike J. tags it with the classic: "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind"
Byran C. scripts... "Houston, we have a problem."
"What's that, Oneil?"
"I left my wallet at home."
John M. : Astronaut: "Turns out the conspiracy theories were true all along ... the Manhattan Cube opening was faked after all"
and Super Flippy sent in: The grand opening of Apple store #3,405 in Armstrong City, Sea of Tranquility.
The Borg:
K Scott J. sent us this masterpiece...
while Philipp E. transmits "Resistance is futile...24/7..."
Esther S. sends "We are The Mac... you will be assimilated... resistance is futile."
Space Cadet sends us: The Borg try to assimilate OS X, but instead are transformed into a more user-friendly collective."
Microsoft related:
Reinhard H was the first to link the cube with Microsoft, and sent in this gem...
"And you are absolutely sure that it does not burst if it pops out next in front of the headquarter in Redmond?
"Of course , our test in NYC has just proven the concept "
"I can hear Balmer screaming already "
shinaku was first with a classic take: "Redmond... we have a problem."
Brian O sends: The two on the lower left talking, the one in back (left-most) speaks first:
Lefty: "Mr. Gates?"
Near Entrance: "I paid for billions in moon science and you dig up this?"
John R. suggests: "Gosh, Mr. Gates. How are we going to copy THIS?"
Andrew D. "As soon as the monolith was touched, a powerful electronic laugh was broadcast
in the direction of Redmond."
kahloz sends in this ...
K. Scott J. sends us this Strange Moment...
Thanks again folks! We'll do this again sometime! :-D