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January 05, 2009

Snaggy's quick and easy one-line movie reviews with spoilers.

Frost-Nixon: Fantastic, except for the drunken phone call part they totally made up.

Day the Earth Stood Still (2008): A Day Standing Still without "Klaatu barada nikto" is like a Day without sunshine... WTF were they thinking?

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Forrest Gump meets the Mork from Ork race, in a creepy movie born with a premise but without a good story.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona: Brunette actresses beware, if you are starring in a Woody Allen flick, he may destroy your character after one romp in the hay.

Mamma Mia: Suicide pills are recommend before viewing, as the pain felt after viewing is too much to bear.

Posted by Snaggy at January 5, 2009 02:26 PM


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