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July 02, 2008

100 Years Later, the Tunguska Mystery Revealed?

If you are a fan of meteors, meteorites, and comets like me, you will love this story about attempts to unravel the Tunguska event, the largest impact of a cosmic body to occur on Earth during modern human history. (Or was it an antimatter airburst, or an exploding UFO, or a wayward black hole? :-D)

Scientist Luca Gasperini, Enrico Bonatti and Giuseppe Longo, share their discoveries during a two week, mosquito-filled expedition to the region, where they focused on a detailed geological survey of a lake that sits close to the Tunguska event's ground zero. Is Lake Cheko the elusive impact crater? Click on over to find out!

Thanks to our pal Steve Wozniak for sending us this great link!

Posted by Snaggy at July 2, 2008 07:27 AM


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