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May 05, 2007

Steve Jobs painting... SOLD!

Nitrozac's young Steve JobsNitrozac's latest painting is an insanely great rendering of a young Steve Jobs. It's an oil painting, 5" x 7", on canvas board. Says Nitrozac "This portrait is a bit of a departure from my usual style, being a more Classical portrait style. So what better portrait to start with than Steve Jobs in the prime of his youth, dressing to impress, with that "I'm changing the world" confidence. He has a mischievous look and a luminous glow about him, and seems to be tempting the viewer with the apple... just one "byte" and your soul will be his!"

Update: it's been sold folks! Click here to view the auction,

Posted by Snaggy at May 5, 2007 11:40 AM