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Current JoyPoll results for 922 entries:

What are you bringing for Thanksgiving?
My reservations about having dinner with my family, ... I'd be worried if you have so many of them, you need reservations. 58 6%
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the Tofurky, ... have faith, it's soy good for you! 33 3%
My appetite, ... I just hope you dont have to have a turkey Caesarian. 138 14%
Just the turkey... that's me, ... are you going to gooble gobble all during dinner? 16 1%
My significant other... for dessert, ... it's not nice to feed your SO to the inlaws. 79 8%
My country doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving this week, but I'm thankful anyway, ... the whole Universe is thankful for pumpkin pie with whipped cream. 254 27%
OMG! Run geek run! Her parents are cannibals!!!, ... there's a copy of To Serve Geek in the kitchen! 242 26%
I'm thankful for the results. 102 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and stuffing.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.

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