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Current JoyPoll results for 580 entries:

What's the most creepy/annoying thing about websites and apps that track you?

When they share who I looked at, with who I looked at!, ... don't you hate a snitch! 115 19%
When the website asks me to install an app instead of just letting me look at the website, ... I want in, but your bouncer won't let me! 125 21%
When I start getting spam emails about something soon after I search for it, ... I'm pretty sure I didn't search for FEMA Plastic coffins though. Grrrr 88 15%
When they keep asking me to complete my profile with my phone number, what high school I went to, and "do you know this person?", ... when did the Internet become a nosey neighbor? 120 20%
I love websites that want to know more about me!, ... your ego can't be that needy, can it? 12 2%
I'm letting you know I just viewed the results. 112 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and if you don't mind, I don't really want to say why it may not add up to exactly 100%.

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