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Current JoyPoll results for 1025 entries:

How do you feel about paying for something that was previously free?
I hate it, and won't pay, ... there's no such thing as a free lunch, except on the Internet, but then you usually leave with an ad taste in your mouth. 279 27%
I hate it, but will probably grudgingly pay, ... just go without for a while, then maybe you will pay gladly. 11 1%
I dislike it, and will try to find workarounds to the paywall, ... you're what they call a freepageloader. 170 16%
If free isn't working, and I like the product, I don't mind paying, ... same with that free-as-in-beer thing. 211 20%
I would have paid in the beginning, so I don't mind paying now, ... in that case, you're buying the beer! 25 2%
If you are taking about sex, I really don't want to talk about it, ... sometimes, that too depends on whether or not you bring home ice cream. 170 16%
I'd pay to view the results 159 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and containment failure in the paywall.
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