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Mac Genius t-shirts!

Still a little glum over MacWorld? Rejoice, for there is now an OS X icon of David Pogue! :)

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The JoyPoll was...
So, why would Tom Cruise want to break up with Nicole Kidman?
  • He's totally friggin' nuts.
  • It was an Impossible Mission, and he accepted.
  • He fell in love with a super computer.
  • I'm dating Tom Cruise.
  • Who cares? Nicole is now a free woman!
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Macinstein's Macintosh Search Engine
The Joy of Tech is now a featured link over on Macinstein's Mac Search Engine! Thanks Rich!

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Big Panda... cool!

Wow! What a great looking bunch of sharply dressed Geniuses!

Those amazing Geniuses over at the Apple store in Tyson's Corner, McLean, Virginia sent us this incredible genius family portrait of themselves wearing their really cool Mac Genius shirts! Gee, it's so great to know that our shirts have found such a good home. :) Thanks Geniuses!
Here's a larger version. :)

They are incredible! Mac Genius t-shirts!

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The JoT is brought to you in part by John Silvestri Thanks John!

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Diesel Sweeties!

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LinusAlien Babes
MacSurfer's Rock!
We dig MacSurfer!

If you have a computer you no longer are using, but it's still in good working condition, then perhaps you'd like to donate it to a very good home. Visit nitrozac.org for details.

To First Post is divine.
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