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Current QuickPoll results for 2923 entries:

What have you been mistaken for lately?
someone who cares, ... you cared enough to vote didn't you, so they must have been mistaken. 902 30%
Booth Fluff, if by "booth fluff" you mean having a fun-loving, outgoing, and bubbly personality, ... traditionally, the personality aspects of booth fluff have been overshadowed by the physical. 51 1%
Booth Fluff, if by "booth fluff" you mean an adventurous type of soul, always ready for the unexpected, living a life of intrigue and danger, ... The name is Booth, Booth Fluff. 149 5%
Booth Fluff, if by "booth fluff" you mean a slightly overweight, geeky kind of person who spends most of the time on a computer, ... you mean, that kind of person actually exists? ;-) 497 17%
I'm often mistaken for cubicle fluff, ... be sure to stay away from the cleaning staff! 651 22%
I viewed the results, ... seeing is believing. 671 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and fluffernutters.

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