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Current QuickPoll results for 1477 entries:

What do you leave out for Santa?
Some kernels for the reindeer, ... and you thought they smelled bad on the outside! 174 11%
Cookies, they track where he's been browsing, ... now you'll know if he's being naughty or nice. 431 29%
My resume, I'd love to be an elf, ... yes, geeks do love toys, but may have trouble giving them up. 190 12%
My business card, his website needs help, ... so you're the Grinch that coded XMas! 186 12%
Traps and snares, ... them reindeer is mighty good eatin', and a Saint Nick roast would last for weeks! 495 33%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and potato flake infestation.)

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