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Current QuickPoll results for 336 entries:

Besides Nitrozac, what greater power have you suspected controls your existence?
Richard Branson, ... the world's 2nd most annoying billionaire? 10 2%
Alan Greenspan, ... isn't he the guy who caused the whole Y2K bug thing? 51 15%
That bitch you work with, ... it's just that time of the millennium. 46 13%
Clipit, the paper clip assistant, ...he winks, he blinks, and knows your every thought. 100 29%
Network Solutions, the dot com people, ...who are controlled by the people who put the dot in dot com, who are controlled by the people who put the slash in dot org. 129 38%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and tampering by a digital assistant who hates to lose, especially staring contests.)

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