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Current QuickPoll results for 434 entries:

What Dummies book could you really use?
Drinking Beer and Eating Chips for Dummies, ... Believe it or not, there's a LOT you probably don't know! 73 16%
An Idiot's Guide to Dummies Books, ... The author's a Genius, man! 145 33%
Dummies Books in a Nuthouse, ... I'm waiting for the movie. 29 6%
A Genius's Guide to Writing Dummies Books, ... by the author of that spam "Earn Cash NOW!" 118 27%
Releasing your Inner Geek, for Nerds, ... Companion novel to "Holding in your Inner Geek for as Long as Possible". 68 15%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and floating nude people.)

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