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Current JoyPoll results for 1069 entries:

What else was often blamed on the dog?
The vomit in the hallway, ... wait a second, that looks like Kibbles and Bits! 34 3%
The flatulence, ... the dog leaves the toilet seat up too. 308 28%
The whole bag of dog food eaten, ... ahhh, that explains the Kibbles and Bits. 106 9%
Barking all night, ... he's too cheap to get a real security system. 54 5%
What happened to the cat, ... even the dog thought it was getting too much attention. 183 17%
Hey, I should get a dog so I can blame stuff on it, ... it might be easier just to get rid of the wife. 275 25%
I'd like to adopt that dog please. 109 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding worms.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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