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Current JoyPoll results for 855 entries:

What would be your favorite painting from Nitrozac's Tech series?
Mona Switcher (Ellen Feiss), ... dudette, you're switching from DELL. 120 14%
The Birth of Apple, ... is that Woz rising out of the clamshell? 44 5%
The Last Pizza Slice, ... is that a religious piece, or a battlefield painting? 32 3%
The TTB Nymphs, ... art is a great excuse to look at naked babes! 329 38%
Blue Boy Vs Kasparov, ... now there's a Deep Thought. 22 2%
Tux crossing into Richmond, ... painted about the same time as "Bill Gates's Scream". 68 7%
Return of the Prodigal Steve Jobs, ... forms a nice diptic with "Amelio's Last Stand." 86 10%
I'm more into Nitrozac's movie posters. 154 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and mathematics thinner.
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After Y2K!

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