Jaguar Genius!
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Current JoyPoll results for 664 entries:

What's your favorite part of an Apple Zoo?
The bug collection, ... do you like finding them, or squashing them? 46 6%
The Infinite Loop of Monkeys house, ... how do they all fit in that Simian Folder? 93 14%
The cage where they keep the last surviving Mac floppy, ... they don't know it, but a few escaped, and they are breeding with the zip disks! 177 26%
The penguin playground, ... is it just me, or are some of those penguins looking longingly over at the Jaguar pit? 92 13%
The Jaguar Geniuses, ... Jaguars belong to the family Felidae, which includes 36 species of cats. Jaguars are classified under the genus Panthera which includes four species of "big cats", the jaguar, tiger, lion and leopard. There are eight subspecies of jaguar. Jaguars are considered the equivalent of leopards in the New World, and are the largest species of cats in the Western Hemisphere. They are distributed throughout most of Mexico, Central and South America, while lone individuals are rarely seen in the southwestern United States. Fascinating Facts... Jaguars are one of the few species of wild cats that have melanistic (black) individuals! Jaguar is from the American Indian word meaning "killer that takes its prey in a single bound!" Like most big cats, jaguars enjoy water. Jaguars are strong swimmers, and will follow their prey into the water during the chase. There, you're now a Jaguar Genius, you can buy a shirt. ;) 40 6%
Zoos are cruel, Think Wild!, ... some would claim that putting fur on text and atomic logos is also cruel. 110 16%
I endangered the results. 68 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the destruction of habits.
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