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Current JoyPoll results for 1290 entries:

If you could do in real life what you can on a computer, what would be your favorite?
Real life Wii bowling, ... if only they had real 91 pin bowling! 66 5%
Real life Second Life, ... in a former life, you were a belier in reincarnation. 124 9%
Real Live WoW, ... make love not Warcraft. 190 14%
Real life Geek Culture Forums, ... death by punfest? 37 2%
Real life digging, ... death by inked bum? 72 5%
Real life dirty stuff, ... it's all in your head anyway. 537 41%
This is real life, isn't it? 264 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the sound of 91 pins dropping.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.


HomeGeek Culture... Geek Love, Geek Files, Mind Numbing Magazine, all kinds of geeky stuff!The Webstore! Get some cool stuff, and support your fave comic creators!e-Cards!The ForumsThe Joy of Tech! ...your quick fix of comic fun!After Y2K!webcam!

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