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Current JoyPoll results for 734 entries:

What other changes to Apple's 1984 commercial do you wish they would not have rejected?
Instead of a big grey room, girl runs down Apple Store aisles, ... they thought that might be a little too sexy for Mac geeks. 32 4%
Instead of a woman, Linus Torvalds throws a hammer at Bill Gates, ... yeah, Linus didn't want to be known as a woman-thrower. 173 23%
An old lady runs down the aisle yelling Where's the Beef, ... Jobs insisted they change it to "Where's the beet." 61 8%
Bonus footage of drones organizing class action lawsuit for getting their clothes covered by "mysterious white powder blotches", ... that's not white powder, they just haven't been outside for weeks. 40 5%
Guards drag woman away, and extended scenes reveal her salacious nights in the Prison for Bad Girls, ... everyone loves watching them fight over a pink iPod. 184 25%
Instead of Big Brother, the giant screen displays Michael Jackson's mug shot, and everyone is throwing hammers at it, ... I guess that's one way he could get a string of hits. 139 18%
I voted back in 1984. 105 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Big iChat is watching you.
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After Y2K!

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