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Current JoyPoll results for 925 entries:

What do you suspect you might actually be?
A brain in a vat, ... well, if it's a vat of beer, I'm sure you're pretty happy! 38 4%
A piece of software, ... hopefully there's at least some of you that's proprietary. 85 9%
A cog in the Machine of Life, ... at least your not a clog. 158 17%
An amoeba having a bad dream, ... must have been something it phagocytosis. 107 11%
A figment of Nitrozac's imagination, ... or even scarier, a figment of Snaggy's reality. 151 16%
I think, therefore I ... uh, ...hmmmm, ... remember, no matter what you are, there you go. 231 24%
My electrodes are unplugged. 155 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and simulation of rounding.
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After Y2K!

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