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Current JoyPoll results for 943 entries:

How do you deal with Dell Dude stress?
I dive for the remote control, ... to turn it up, turn it off, or TiVo? 144 15%
I LMAO, ... do you laugh it all the way to the bank, like Dell is? 107 11%
I stick pins in my Michael Dell blow-up doll, ... oh, so that's what that smell is! 61 6%
I get afraid, very afraid for Apple, ... Jeff Goldblum's worst nightmare. 48 5%
Dude, I'm getting a dartboard poster, ... don't worry, none of the proceeds will go towards getting a Dell. 117 12%
Dude, who is this Dell Dude, ... don't stress out over it, he's just some dude. 324 34%
Dude, I'm getting the results. 138 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a nine darts warm-up.
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After Y2K!

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