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Current JoyPoll results for 250 entries:

What are your pre-keynote rituals?

Check all the rumors and get my hopes up, ... and then be disappointed when they turned out correct and spoiled the keynote? 18 7%
Brace myself for complete disappointment, ... better now than after you unbox! 24 9%
Make sure my credit card has lots of room on it, ... brace yourself for shock when the bill comes due. 10 4%
All of the above!, ... see, 2020 isn't all bad! 25 10%
Brace myself for my geeky friends and all websites to be talking about the latest iThing ad infinitum, ... it's an ecosystem that must be fed! 122 48%
I'm doing my View the Results ritual. 51 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and offerings to the rounding gods.

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