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Current JoyPoll results for 581 entries:

What's the reason companies like YouTube and Facebook allow hate speech to continue to florish on their sites?

They are protecting freedom of speech, ... sometimes freedom needs protecting from speech. 24 4%
It's complicated, because even though they are private companies, they are more like a public space, ... it's more like they are making their septic tanks public. 67 11%
They don't want to piss off certain political parties, ... any party that needs those kind of voices in order to flourish should be wound down. 52 8%
It's too hard to stop, they'd have to hire a ton of people to do it, ... gee, if only they had some money for that kind of thing! 56 9%
They are just moneygrubbing little shits who won't take a stand against stupidity, ignorance, and hate, ... with great ops, comes great responsibility. 300 51%
I'm just viewing the results, trying not to stir up any trouble. 81 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding that didn't meet our Community Guidelines.

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