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Current JoyPoll results for 379 entries:

How much more a month would you pay to keep Netfix?

Not a cent more, ... besides, it's almost the HBO time of the year. 60 15%
A little bit more, but not like 10 bucks a month more, ... so a latte or two, but not three! 106 27%
I'd pay at least 10 bucks more a month, ... for the price of a movie, all the movies you don't want to watch! 8 2%
I super love Netflex, so would probably pay a lot more per month. It's worth it for all the movies, ... still cheaper than a babysitter! 6 1%
Bah humbug! I will never forgive them for stopping the DVD rentals! , ... hey you kids, get off of my non-streaming lawn! 89 23%
I'm Joyflix and chill'n the results! 109 28%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and buffering.

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