The JoyPoll was... |
For you, what's the worst stage of forgetting your phone?
- That first panic stage.
- The anger of forgettign it.
- The fear of missing out I get.
- The frustration of reaching for it, but it's not there.
- That lying-to-myself stage, where I tell myself it's OK, I'm fine, I can handle a few hours without my phone, but the inner geek in me KNOWS it's a disaster.
- I never forget my phone, it's too much a part of me.
View the Results! |
Help us keep the Joy coming... Today's JoT is brought to you in part by the awesome Maureen, and Wilson, Colin, Tim, Christopher, George, Greg, Brian, James, Ody, Seth, Sebastian, Daniel, Fabien Charles, Ged, Bernard, Tim, and Randy! THANKS!!| Tip the cartoonists! | Or become a patron of the arts! | This month's total | Donation FAQ
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About us... |
The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture, created by Nitrozac and Snaggy, and updated three times a week. We like to feature the people and events that are making today's tech and pop culture news.
We've been making comics on the web since early 1999, and The Joy of Tech is now in its, whoa... 16th year.
You can follow us on Google+ at +Nitrozac JoT and +Snaggy JoT and +JoyofTech
We currently live on Vancouver Island, Canada, where we have a lovely perspective of the silicon valleys to the south. We make The Joy of Tech using Apple computers, mostly on our MacBook Pros, running Mac OS X. We use software from Apple, Adobe, BBedit,, and others, including Microsoft (yep, we do use Microsoft Office for Mac on occasion). Nitrozac uses a Wacom tablet to draw her illustrations.