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Current JoyPoll results for 535 entries:

Your thoughts on dongles?

Dongles are hell, ... they are the gatekeepers between Heaven and Hell. 206 38%
I don't mind them. Why pay for a port if you don't use it?, ... but with the new MacBook Pro, it's like you're paying for them and don't get them! 21 3%
I can live with dongles, Apple knows best, ... they obviously don't, since Apple calls them adapters not dongles, and dongles is a fantastic word! 10 1%
Almost every computer I've bought, I've had to buy dongles, so it's no big deal, ... you can take my Dr Bott DVIator, DVI to ADC Adapter from my cold dead hands! 47 8%
Yay for Apple on going full USB-C. In time, dongles will soon be obsolete, ... you mean there will never be an USB-D? 73 13%
Dongles are the least annoying thing about the new MacBook Pros, ... yes, I'm annoyed I can't one too. 77 14%
I'm dongling in the results! 100 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a % to half/full adapter.

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