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Current JoyPoll results for 531 entries:

What's the worst thing about a Yahoo hack?

There's no worst thing, I don't Yahoo!, ... so your position is WHEW! 129 24%
Yikes, they got my email and info!, ... remember how you thought it was stupid when Eric Schmidt said in the future, people will be changing their names all the time? 9 1%
Yikes, they got my security questions and answers!, ... well, your kid's birthday didn't change, but maybe you have a new dog by now? 14 2%
Yikes, it was state sponsored hackers!, ... is there a LinkedIn for these kind of jobs? 29 5%
Oh man, they knew about it months ago and didn't tell anyone????, ... better to sell the company and ask forgiveness later. 269 50%
I'm viewing the results while changing my password. 81 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and state-sponsored rounding.

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