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Current JoyPoll results for 822 entries:

How would you cast your vote for the audio port on iPhone 7?

Lyin' Lightning!, ... rumors never lie, do they? 80 9%
Headphone Jack, all the way, ... screw the new one, they want their old iPhone back! 234 28%
Whatever Crooked Cook says, is fine with me, ... I knew he wasn't straight, but crooked? Nah! 72 8%
What does Low Energy Jony Ive think?, ... that's not low energy, he's just converting his to brillance at high efficiency. 93 11%
I'm sitting out this crazy vote!, ... hard to port without a port! 190 23%
Alas, I know that Apple is not a democracy. 153 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Port of Good Hope.

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