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Current JoyPoll results for 457 entries:

What foreplay is most important to you before watching a movie or TV show?

Bathroom break and snacks are essential, ... remember when there no pause button? 50 10%
All the remotes must be in reach, ... that's an alignment that rarely seems to happen around here! 58 12%
I've got to be comfortable, ... feet up, and a blanket handy, ... everything is ready for the cat. 50 10%
Foreplay doesn't matter to me, I just turn on and tune out, ... no tweet out? 91 19%
It doesn't matter, just so long as the one I love is with me, ... you mean your smartphone or that cat again? 103 22%
I'm comfortable just viewing the results. 104 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding is coming.

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