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Current JoyPoll results for 641 entries:

Faced with the possibility of a latent cyber pathogen in an encrypted iPhone, what would you do?

Let the Chinese handle it, ... just send it back to Foxconn! 30 4%
Force Apple to open it, ... Tim Cook doesn't have goo pod, but I'm pretty sure he has a gold meditation chamber! 4 0%
The FBI seem to know what they're talking about, let them deal with it, ... I think you'd have better luck with The Lone Gunmen. 31 4%
Just keep it in there! If it's in the phone, why set it loose? , ... if it's one of those 16 GB iPhones, the poor thing must be so cramped! 233 36%
Hire that FBI guy to finish a script and turn it into a retro 90's cyber-movie!, ... would Angelina Jolie play Acid Burn again? 257 40%
I'm cyber-viewing the results. 85 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Crash Override.

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