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Current JoyPoll results for 708 entries:

What's your take on Amazon dropping Apple TV and Chromecast from its store?

It's petty, and looks bad, ... they could have just moved them to the bottom shelf. 229 32%
It might be a good move, but it looks bad, ... or is the top shelf harder to reach in an online store? 48 6%
I don't see any problem with it. It's not like Apple or Google would ever sell Amazon products, ... they'd never have a Fire sale? 75 10%
It's stupid. Amazon is now missing out on all the Apple TV and Chromecast sales, ... and don't hold the phone for Fire phone sales! 117 16%
I don't care, it's not like I'd shop on Amazon for such things, ... when I pay the piper, I like to pay the piper to the actual piper. 90 12%
I can't decide... I have choosing-the-wrong-JoyPoll-option anxiety, ... subscribe to JoyPoll Prime, and you can vote for them all! 35 4%
I'm just viewing all the prime results! 113 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Amazon Composite.

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