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Current JoyPoll results for 480 entries:

At what point is enough enough, and we stop consuming, consuming, consuming?

Never, we are Borg, ... it might help if they assimilate Naomi Klein? 105 21%
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves, ... so before George R.R Martin finishes Winds of Winter? 47 9%
Maybe once we've exploited the Moon, asteroids, and beyond!, ... all these worlds are yours, just could you clean up the mess before you leave? 26 5%
Whenever some cooler new thing comes along to end the growth of the old thing, and start the growth cycle all over again, ... isn't that the plot of Planet of the Apes? 68 14%
Can it wait until I cash out my Apple stock?, ... relax, it's waiting until I buy some, so the market can crash immediately afterwards. 55 11%
Whenever I reach peak credit-card-debt, ... I'm afraid to peek at my bill! 78 16%
I'm viewing the results via the JoyPoll Upgrade Program. 100 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding hormone.

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