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Current JoyPoll results for 780 entries:

How would you feel about a built-in mobile ad blocker for your smartphone?

I wouldn't care, ads don't bother me, ... would you be even happier if I sent you all my spam? 27 3%
I'd love it! I hate ads on my mobile device!, ... sometimes it feels like the only content on mobile is ads and those damn "download our app!" pop-ups! 262 33%
I'd love it so much I'd switch to an iOS 9 Apple product, ... unfortunately, you'll still get those lovable iAds. 56 7%
Bah, ad companies will just figure out how to bypass it soon anyway, ... the best content blocker is leaving your phone behind. 212 27%
Bah, Android has them already, ... yep, I'm sure Google is just loving those! 90 11%
I hope they never invent a View the Results blocker. 132 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and number blocking.

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