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Current JoyPoll results for 473 entries:

How do you keeping moving?

I use a timer to remind me to get up and move, ... FYI, Sun-coming-up/Sun-going-down is too long a time period. 19 4%
I use a standing desk and other methods to avoid sitting, ... REM was way ahead of the trend... stand in the place that you work! 35 7%
I'm always moving! Earth is rotating and orbiting the Sun, the Sun is orbiting the Milky Way, etc., ... the Universe is expanding, and so are you! 203 42%
If you use a timelapse camera, you can see all kinds of my movement!, ... I hope those aren't maggots I'm seeing! 24 5%
Sorry, I just can't move as much as they want me too, ... I'm a firm believer in Newton's first law of motion... an object at rest wants to remain at rest. 107 22%
I'm moving straight to the results! 79 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and moss growing fat.

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