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Current JoyPoll results for 575 entries:

How do you feel about the amazing machine that turns sewage into drinking water?

The thought of it makes me queasy, ... steam clean will never seem as clean. 28 4%
It's the greatest thing since water pipes made out of lead!, ... I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid! 46 8%
I think they should focus on the source problems of clean water, not on technological fixes like this, ... just hold it! 100 17%
It's a good thing, drink up!, ... maybe they can use it to make soda pop safe to drink! 169 29%
It's nothing new, things have been powered by crap for ages!, ... if they can get it to power Facebook, then we can all stop posting on our walls! 137 23%
I'm evaporating the results. 90 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and potable potty.

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