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Current JoyPoll results for 648 entries:

What's scarier?

The news, ... subscribe me to the puppy and kitten channel! 127 19%
The creepy shows, ... I'm more creeped out by the reality shows! 22 3%
Diseases and Global Warming, ... even the Sun will die, but it's too bad we won't be around to see that. 60 9%
The more shadowy parts of governments, ... Facebook and Google can be scarier! 152 23%
Internet trolls, ... it's scary when people keep feeding them! 71 10%
When my partner has the remote control, ... the horror, the horror! 98 15%
I'm too scared to vote, but not to view the results. 117 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and scarecrunchers.

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