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Current JoyPoll results for 607 entries:

Does it surprise you that Facebook is running psychological experiments on its users?

Yes, I'm shocked!, ... they leaked the news over the weekend so you'd be happier. 40 6%
Yes, it's shocking, but I'm still going to use Facebook, ... you've reached the stage where the shocks feel good. 42 6%
It's not surprising at all, given that Facebook is evil incarnate, ... why do you think they call Zuck the Mark of the Beast? 53 8%
Anyone who is still on Facebook deserves to be experimented with!, ... we're all just rats in the maze of the Internet. 54 8%
I was just on Facebook, and for some reason, I'm just too sad to vote today, ... every time I check it, a little piece of me gets poked. 41 6%
I'm wondering... is this comic and poll just some kind of test to see if my mood changes?, ... face it, you're probably just a collection of pixels in Nitrozac's cartoon universe 308 50%
I'm studying the results! 67 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding thinking it's squareness.

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