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Current JoyPoll results for 637 entries:

Are you comfortable with Google becoming such a huge part of your life?

I'm fine with it, it makes my life better, ... do you even remember what Life was like before? 58 9%
No, I'm uncomfortable with any single company knowing so much about me, ... I guess you didn't realize that Google's mission is to organize YOUR information and make it universally accessible and useful? 184 28%
I'd say no, but then THEY'D know I said no, ... I promise not to tell THEM. 65 10%
THEY already know I'd vote no, so why even vote?, ... because it makes my mission to write the JoyPoll so much more fulfilling. 51 8%
THEY already know I'd think no, but vote yes, so why even vote?, ... coming soon, Google's self-voting JoyBot. 38 5%
Somewhere that hasn't been street-viewed? What a quaint thought!, ... and U2 sings... Where the Streets have no View. 115 18%
I'm organizing the JoyPoll results. 122 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Siri-ously folks.

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