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Current JoyPoll results for 841 entries:

Apple and Beats?

Sounds good to me!, ... taste wise, I'd prefer apple and rhubarb. 43 5%
Never heard of Beats, but I'm sure Apple knows what it's doing, ... Apple will just row, row, row their boat, down the music stream. 51 6%
Spending 3 billion on a headphone company? That hurts my ears!, ... especially if you are Audio-Technica, Koss, Sony, Sennheiser... 253 30%
I'll give you my classic white earbuds when you pry them from my cold, dead hands, ... will that up your cool factor? 52 6%
All I know is that beets are an excellent source of folate and a good source of manganese, and contain betaines which may function to reduce the concentration of homocysteine, a homolog of the naturally occurring amino acid cysteine, ... everything I know, I paste from WikiPedia. 306 36%
I'm wearing my vote-cancellation headphones. 131 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and pickled rounding.

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