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Current JoyPoll results for 494 entries:

How will you celebrate Star Wars Day (May the 4th)?

Like a good Stormtrooper and loyal servant of the Emperor, I will curse the Rebel scum's holiday, ... so do you celebrate May the Sith? 17 3%
I will celebrate joyously, with a new hope that the new films might actually be good!, ... Star Wars is owned by Disney now, what could go wrong? 99 20%
I'll see if I can make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, ... do you go the distance or do the time? 60 12%
I will celebrate like a grumpy mynock, for there's no way these new movies will match the original trilogy, ... you can't go home again, especially if it's Tatooine, and ESPECIALLY not if it's Alderaan! (thanks Rick for that one). 60 12%
I don't celebrate, I'm more of a Gone with the Wind Day person, ... does that mean you don't give a damn? 42 8%
As long it involves Space beer, I'm good, ... in Space beer, everyone can hear you hoop and holler! 98 19%
I'm pretty sure the poll was a trap, I'm just viewing the results. 112 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and it doesn't matter 'cause I love this hunk of junk.

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