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Current JoyPoll results for 639 entries:

Would you want to be the new CEO of Microsoft?

Yes indeed, for the salary!, ... oh, I thought you were working for a dollar! 159 24%
No, I wouldn't want to be captain of a sinking ship, ... although the CEO is usually the first to leave. 142 22%
No, the job of CEO is actually really boring, ... except when the ship is sinking! 56 8%
Yes, I'd love the challenge of turning around such a huge company of great geeks, ... with great geeks, comes great possibilities! 99 15%
I'd be happy with any job at Microsoft!, ... Ballmer's smashed-chair-cleaner-upper was always overworked though. 32 5%
I'll stick with being CEO of the JoyPoll results. 146 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I'll leave that off my CV.

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