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Current JoyPoll results for 443 entries:

Which Lex Talk would you be most interested in attending?

Lex Luthor's, of course, ... I liked Lex better as an evil scientist, rather than the white collar criminal he's become. 21 4%
Brainiac's!, ... I'd love to see ENIAC talk! 20 4%
Mr. Mxyzptlk, ... just please don't wear your Kltpzyxm t-shirt if you expect him to finish. 33 7%
I'd kneel before Zod, ... you gotta admit, Zod is in the Zone! 28 6%
I would only attend a Lex Talk if the mighty and powerful ME was speaking!, ... meh, I see that guy every day in the mirror. 42 9%
Blah blah blah! Supervillains talk too much!, ... OK, we'll send you to tell them that their speaking time is up. 231 52%
Bah, I'd rather go to Doom Talks. 68 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the bottled city of Kandor.

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