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Current JoyPoll results for 54 entries:

Do you care if something is built in your country?

Nope, so long as it's cheap!, ... inexpensive is OK, cheap is not so. 3 5%
A bit, ... I'm hoping if it's built somewhere else, the big hole in the ground is somewhere else too. 4 7%
I'm cynical about anything that's purportedly built in my country, for instance, the "assembled in the USA" label is a bit of a joke, ... so long as it's unboxed locally! 11 20%
Yes I care, but the reality is everyone is now part of a global economy., ... on the Internet, everything is local. 20 37%
I insist on home grown! , ... homegrown's alright with me and Neil. 6 11%
I'm importing myself to the results. 10 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and acting global variably.
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