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Current JoyPoll results for 67 entries:

Where do you hide your money?

In a piggy bank, ... that's funny, my regular bank is run by pigs! 4 5%
Somewhere in my house, ... I hope you're not using one of those Dirty Underwear safes, ewwww. 5 7%
In a foreign land, ... I wouldn't recommend the Iron Bank of Braavos. 1 1%
I'm not telling!, ... now we know you are hiding some. 26 38%
If I had money to hide, I wouldn't hide it! , ... even the pharaohs couldn't take it with them! 24 35%
I'm banking on the results. 7 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I wish I had a penny every time the rounding din't add up to exactly 100%.

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