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Current JoyPoll results for 70 entries:

How do you pronounce it?

Jif, ... no, that's peanut butter, and I'm not even sure it's real peanut butter. 12 17%
Gif, ... thank you, you are correct sir. 38 54%
Whatever I feel like at the moment, ... you mean whatever FRAME of mind you're in? 1 1%
png dude, png!, ... is png the Betamax of animations? 9 12%
#*!%'!!!, another stupid animation!, ... nothing will ever beat that Netscape comet, imho. 1 1%
Who even speaks anymore? I'm just viewing the results. 9 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a loop, and a loop, and a loop, and a loop.
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Random Joy!

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