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Current JoyPoll results for 351 entries:

What would be your favorite apology gift from Samsung?

Pink phone case!, ... sure you don't want to add one of those hilarious boob mugs? 4 1%
Those free breast implants sound good, ... what do you expect from silicon valley? 47 13%
How about appointing a woman to be their 4th CEO? , ... three's a crowd, four's a party. 46 13%
Every employee gifted Sheryl Sandberg's new book "Lean In", ... her next book is about camping, titled Lean-to. 11 3%
Equal pay for equal work would be appreciated, ... wait a sec, what if women work harder than us! 98 27%
Forget the gifts, just make their phones sexier!, ... a true geek doesn't care what they look like, it's all about how smartphone they are. 55 15%
I'm apologizing for the results. 88 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and scriptism.
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