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Current JoyPoll results for 541 entries:

Are you finding that as gadgets get smaller and thinner, you misplace them more often?

Nope, I keep my hands and eyes on them like a hawk, ... if you are always attached to them, you might come off looking more like a turkey.11721%
Yep, small and thin means often lost, ... said the needle to the haystack.448%
Not really, I lose my small gadgets at about the same frequency as other things, like my car in parking garages, ... do you drive a Mini?12623%
Nope, I rarely misplace things, ... as we get older, do we get more forgetful, or do we just have more stuff to lose things in?12923%
I find that as gadgets get smaller and thinner, my money goes missing!, ... it's not missing, it just migrated.33962%
I lost the desire to vote.13925%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and flattening, and thinning.
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