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Current JoyPoll results for 564 entries:

Do you get any guilt from people?

A little, but most are happy to have helped me along the way, ... thank your boosters and your parachutes, but also the guys in the control room. 131 23%
A lot from everyone, especially less-successful friends, and I resent it!, ... success is the best revenge, just don't tell anyone. 33 5%
Just a little from my parent/parents, ... they probably earned the right to nag you. 89 15%
I just get grief for not being somewhere else at this stage of my life!, ... the journey is the reward, unless you're in third class! 164 29%
I mainly get guilted out by my pets, ... if dogs could surf the web all day like you, would they still want to go for a walk? 164 29%
My joypoll rockets failed to fire. 201 35%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and an angry red planet.
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