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Current JoyPoll results for 838 entries:

Do you expect Twitter to uphold its original freedom of speech ideals?

Yes, it's the right thing to do, ... right doesn't pay their investors though. 205 24%
No, they are a company, a business, and they can do whatever they'd like, ... don't tweet evil. 119 14%
Get it through your head people, tweets ain't speech and tweets ain't free!, ... but if you love a tweet, set it free. If it gets RT'd, then it was probably not too bad. 127 15%
There comes a time when a company becomes more than just a company, it becomes an essential service for all humankind, ... that's how I feel about our propeller beanies! 42 5%
I'd let you know, but I'm afraid Twitter will suspend my account, ... if they did, enjoy all that life you got back! 190 22%
I'm viewing the results on tape delay. 155 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and living color.
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